Source code for zemfrog.loaders.blueprint

from flask import Flask
from flask_smorest import Blueprint

from ..globals import smorest
from ..helper import get_import_name, import_attr

[docs]def loader(app: Flask): """ The function to load all blueprints based on the ``BLUEPRINTS`` configuration in """ blueprints = app.config.get("BLUEPRINTS", []) import_name = get_import_name(app) for name in blueprints: bp = name + ".routes.init_blueprint" routes = name + ".urls.routes" try: bp: Blueprint = import_attr(import_name + bp)() routes = import_attr(import_name + routes) except (ImportError, AttributeError): bp: Blueprint = import_attr(bp)() routes = import_attr(routes) for url, view, methods in routes: bp.route(url, methods=methods)(view) smorest.register_blueprint(bp)